I met Mike Patrick when we worked at the University of Minnesota in the late 70's. This book has been a long time in coming but is totally well worth waiting for. I have heard Mike speak many times so it was hard not to hear his voice in my head while I read it.
It is a spectacular book. Well written, well thought out and worth every minute I spent reading it.
I strongly urge anyone that has ever thought they were alone in the world trying to overcome a problem to read this amazing and inspiring book.
Thank you Michael Patrick for writing this book. It demonstrates the 'Courage to live the life you have even if it is not the life you expected.' I found it to have resources and references that are valuable. I completed the activity at the end of the book, and conversed with my spouse who had also completed the book and exercise. As a mental health professional I will share this resource. The story demonstrates acceptance and willingness to experience life.
I played football against Mike Patrick in the years before his injury. I remember the day of his injury, I was playing my first varsity game in a neighboring town at the same time. When news came out about his accident, it stunned everyone in Southern Minnesota. I have followed Mike Patrick in the newspaper articles that have been written about this amazing man. This book is a great read and an uplifting story about someone who has overcome his disability. After reading the book, I realized that Mike doesn't even feel he has a disability and has an amazing view on life. I have passed this book on to my children, everyone needs to read this book, it makes you look at life in a different way. We all need to be more positive in life and this man is proof.
They all gave me five star reviews! I thought they were pretty cool and wanted to share them. Like Sally Field said when she received an Oscar for her leading role in Norma Rae, They like me. They really like me!

I also received a hand-written letter a few days ago from a friend who said he read it from cover-to-cover without stopping. He said he has never done that before! My two favorite quotes from his letter are: I was just amazed at all the people you have touched in your lifetime. And, he ended his letter with: Mike, thanks for the book. I'm sure it will touch many lives like it has mine.
I was so pumped after reading it, I had to talk to him. So, I Googled him, found his name, called him and we talked for just short of an hour. That was fun!
I also received an email today from someone else telling me he bought it for himself, liked it so much, he bought it for his seven brothers and sisters! That was VERY COOL!
If you have read it, please leave your feelings in the Comment section at the end of this post. I look forward to reading them. If you have not read it yet, please do so. You can get it by clicking here. I hope you like it.
As always, I look forward to your comments too.
Way to go! I'm so proud of you and I bet your Mom is, too.
I want to order a regular hard copy (the old-fashioned book on paper!) of your book, but I'm finding only the e-book format available online. Could you point me in the right direction on this, Mike?
There is no paperback version available now. It's only in ebook format. I'm looking to get it in POD (Print on Demand) to get one copy or 50 copies printed at a time, but that's not easy, and still a ways off. Hopefully, in a month or two. But that's not guaranteed.
The whole idea behind it was to market it to health careers students who all have handheld devices and they would buy it for a specific class. Normandale's Nursing Program is assigning it to some of their nursing classes and I'll go out there April 17th and present a two-hour program based on some objectives from the book. I'm in various stages of doing the same thing with other colleges and universities. The online way is the wave of the future and I've had some post-secondary people tell me they will only buy stuff they can read online. I've had other people who feel like you do. We'll see where it all goes. I've sold one copy to someone in Great Britain. So now I am an internationally-known author! :-)
I hope that answers your questions and concerns.
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