Friday, April 29, 2011

Challange Yourself

I am watching the Twins game and this interesting, kind of strange commercial came on. It was  advertising an organization called Know How 2 Go. It was challenging middle and high school students to take hard courses to prepare themselves for college. You can learn about them by clicking here.

The site is full of resources, advice, testimonials, college quizs, financial aid information and much more for each grade level.

I believe students will find helpful information. Teachers share it with your students. Parents show it to your children and mentors share it with your young mentee(s). I know I will be sharing it.

I look forward to your comments.




Anonymous said...

Nice timing Mike, I've got some young dudes who are going on this fall and can use the info...



Anonymous said...

Nice and thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hey - I am definitely happy to discover this. Good job!